What is CAT Scratch Studios?

What is CAT Scratch Studios?


I began to develop a vision for an art center that developed quickly and fully. I saw a space for people to come together to communicate, create, heal and learn depths of trust that had been forgotten, or possibly pushed aside on purpose for reasons that were bigger than me, my community and my neighbors. I felt it when I was in college, dealing with new realities and it continued as I had more experiences.

People seemed separated, mistrustful of neighbors and fearful of even their own decisions. Anxiety and depression medicated at unheard of levels. I felt it in myself, I saw it in day to interactions and in the news, which I honestly had to avoid because of how intense it was. I felt disconnected. I knew it couldn't possibly be only my experience.

I was blessed with incredible family and strong community. I had a circle of friends growing up that had given me a different experience and vantage point. This view and true understanding of support is what I want to offer people in various ways.

My plans began visually in sketch, and in list form. I drew this out as a 3-leveled building with offices in the top for multi-modal healing arts, a private office, a kitchen, space for a gallery/yoga/space for multiple opportunities for people to connect in an open studio/class area. The ground floor would be a store front housing a variety store of unique and beautiful finds of all kinds you can imagine. A thriving visiting artist and healer program would offer many types of opportunities to connect, create, communicate and become your best version. The artists commit to various times to work and create, have gallery shows, and sale opportunities in the retail space.

CAT Scratch Studios, Creative Arts and Therapies is this vision. I invite you to be part of it by supporting me and all those who become part of it in any way that fits their life.

Art + Yoga

Announcing SDYC Teacher

Summer 2019